Local Sermons by Pastor James Anyan (Page 2)

Local Sermons by Pastor James Anyan (Page 2)

National Overseer, Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Finland

a man jumping a cliff. leaping from 2023 to 2024

Limit the Limits

Proverbs 26:13 The children of Israel were to crossover from Egypt – the land of bondage to their promised rest – the land flowing with milk and honey. Instead of focusing on the promised land, many of them were so bogged down by the limits and the impediments on the way. As we journey to, and through the Year of Divine Restoration, the Lord does not want us to be preoccupied and terrified by the limitations along the way. Rather,…
2024 year banner

The Path to Divine Restoration

Joel 2:25-27; Psalm 126:1-6 We thank and praise God for the testimonies of Divine Performance. They are a testament to the Divine Presence with us, and the accompanying Promised Rest and Divine Provision.  We are praying and trusting God for His Divine Restoration in the New Year. To enjoy Divine Restoration, you need to reckon the cause of the devastation and the ruins and be ready to return to the Restorer. It is then and only then can you reap…
An image of the 2023 December retreat flier

Faithfulness to God in Perilous Times

Revelation 2:8-10;12-15; 3:1-5 The perilous times the scriptures mention are here with us; they are being played before our very eyes. Faithfulness to God is fast becoming an endangered species and faces threats of extinction. Age-old Christian convictions are not only being shaken but are increasingly being abandoned. Many a Christian is playing the chameleon to ‘survive’ and ‘outsmart’ the perilous times. God still remains eternally faithful: If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself (2…
An image of the 2023 December retreat flier

Fellowship, Faithfulness and Forgiveness in the Family

Psalm 128:1-6 The importance of the Christian family cannot be overemphasised. It is the first and basic unity of every society; in fact, the nursery from which the nucleus of the church, the society and the state is transplanted.  The condition of any church, society and nation, therefore, is a direct reflection of the condition of the families. For any family to function as God intended, three key ingredients must be present: Faithfulness ought to be the bedrock; whereas fellowship…
An image of the 2023 December retreat flier

The Consecration of Heavenly-Minded Citizens

1 Chronicles 29:1-12 The believer’s consecration to God is the sure evidence and the proof of their heavenly-mindedness. In the same vein, no one can claim to be heavenly-minded if they find it difficult to take their hands off their lives and allow God to take His rightful place on the throne of their hearts. Consecration and heavenly-mindedness are therefore, two different sides of the same coin – a truly consecrated believer will be heavenly-minded, and a heavenly-minded believer will…
The Possibilities of Prayer

The Possibilities Of Prayer

Philippians 4:6,7; Psalm 50:15 Sincere believers are often faced with perplexing situations – defying human understanding  and solutions. The Lord knows we would have such encounters in this life and has therefore made provision for our succour and victory. Prayer is one of the surest ways and weapons for the believer’s victory over perplexing situations; and its possibilities are endless. “Trouble and perplexity drive me to prayer, and prayer drives away perplexity and trouble” – Fenelon. 1. The Persistent and…
revival service

The Power of a Heaven-Focused Life

THE POWER OF A HEAVEN-FOCUSED LIFE Colossians 3:1-4; Acts 26:13-25 Death and eternity, ultimately, determines how well or otherwise a particular life was spent. “The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth” (Ecclesiastes 7:4). At what direction, and to which destination, is this only one life of yours headed (2 Corinthians 5:15)? “How easy it is to live more or less in the enjoyment of God’s…

Faith For Divine Performance

FAITH FOR DIVINE PERFORMANCE Luke 1:28-38,45 Faith (believing) precedes Divine Performance. “And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord” (Luke 1:45). The fundamental demand of Christ from virtually all miracle-seekers who came to Him for Divine Performance, was faith ( e.g. Matthew 8:13; 9:28; Mark 9:23,24; John 11:39,40). There is more to faith than thinking positively, being optimistic and upbeat. Your faith must have bases otherwise…
Easter Retreat 2023 banner

Following Christ and Bearing the Cross

FOLLOWING CHRIST AND BEARING THE CROSS Matthew 11:28-30; 4:18-22 Many show interest in Christ and the Christian life but are not willing and ready to accept His invitation to “come unto me”. They just admire the beauty of the Christian life from afar. “And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life” (John 5:40). A great many who also come to Christ are not ready to follow Him, let alone bear the cross. They love the crown…
Easter Retreat 2023 banner

Profiting by the Law of Sowing & Reaping

PROFITING BY THE LAW OF SOWING AND REAPING Psalm 126:5,6; Isaiah 48:17-19 God is not a hypocrite. As a faithful Father He leads by example and shows us how to profit from the law of sowing and reaping. Sowing time is always a difficult moment requiring patience, persistence and hard work. God gave (sowed) His only begotten Son to reap the millions of people who have been saved through the death and resurrection of Christ. The death of Christ was…
Easter Retreat 2023 banner

The Narrow Way

THE NARROW WAY Proverbs 14:12; Matthew 7:13,14 The most precious and valuable things in life are not always the most popular and attractive. It takes the most diligent, patient and forward-looking seekers to find them. Life presents us with many choices and decisions on a daily basis. Whereas some choices and decisions have little or no consequences, others have, in fact, eternal consequences. Which gate have you entered, and on which road are you travelling – the broad and easy…