Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry

Deeper Life Campus Fellowship


The DLCF has a divine mandate and mission to win, build and commission students and staff of institutions of higher learning to be their best for the Master. It is an inter-denominational fellowship, embracing campus Christians who share the same doctrinal belief irrespective of their denominations and affiliations.


The history of Deeper Life Campus Fellowship cannot be written without mentioning first and foremost the human agent that God used to start Deeper Christian Life Ministry of which Deeper Life Campus Fellowship is just an arm. He is Pastor Williams Folorunsho Kumuyi. Born in 1941, he graduated from the Nigerian Premier University, University of Ibadan, with a first class honors in Mathematics. That same year of his graduation, he was offered the University Scholarship for Doctorate Degree, which he turned down because he had a greater calling and all of us can bear witness to that fact now that he truly had a greater calling.


Every builder knows `that a house is only as strong as its foundations and the strength of the materials it is built with Bible Doctrines or Teachings are the foundation and pillars that have enabled the DLCF stand amidst the changing seasons of life.
The DLCF stands against bigotry on the one hand and latitudinarianism on the other. It believes that ‘all scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness’. The DLCF teaches all the Word of God from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation adding nothing to the word and taking nothing from it.
The DLCF draws a clear distinction between nominal and genuine Christianity and between fanaticism and true worship. DLCF teaches the importance of daily living an overcoming Christian life. The entire Scriptures shall be the only rule for standard of conduct, discipline and government in the fellowship and patter of Christian work.

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God bless you.

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.