Limit the Limits

Limit the Limits

Proverbs 26:13

The children of Israel were to crossover from Egypt – the land of bondage to their promised rest – the land flowing with milk and honey.

Instead of focusing on the promised land, many of them were so bogged down by the limits and the impediments on the way.

As we journey to, and through the Year of Divine Restoration, the Lord does not want us to be preoccupied and terrified by the limitations along the way. Rather, he wants us to have faith in His awesome power and His presence with us.

“Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try” –Canfield .

P1. The Tendency to Magnify Problems Above God

Exodus 4:10-14;14:4,8-12,15-18; Luke 1:30-34; John 11:32-39

Problems are a fact of life:

  • God sometimes destroys the ‘nests’ of His people to get them out of their comfort zone, and to teach them how to fly
  • Being in God’s perfect will does not give us immunity from hindrances and limitations
  • Moses  and Joshua were not to magnify the Red Sea and the Jericho wall above God
  • Magnify your God above any limitation – whether imagined or real

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do” Roosevelt.

P2. Trusting the Mighty and Awesome Power of God

Jeremiah 32:17,27; Isaiah 43:18-22; Luke 1:35-38,45; John 11:39-44

The impossible is possible with God:

  • You can’t make progress by staying in your comfort zone
  • Don’t focus on problems in the world, but the power of God in the New Year
  • The power of God can open and dry up every threatening Red Sea and impenetrable Jericho wall
  • Limit the limits and lean on the loving arms of God in the New Year!

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time”Edison.