All Sufficiency Through Seeking First Thing First

All Sufficiency Through Seeking First Thing First

Matthew 6:24-33

Our priorities, choices and decisions are sure proofs of who we really are, and what we are living for.

Do you want to know an individual who is living in the light of eternity by seeking first thing first? Look at their priorities, choices and decisions in this life!

God commands us to avoid the contradiction and the canker of seeking other things first, before seeking Him and His Kingdom. The obedient are guaranteed His constant sufficiency.

“Everything begins with the right priorities, and right priorities begin with God” –Kroll.

P1. The Command to Seek God First

Matthew 6:19-21,24,31-34; Luke 9:57-62; John 21:1-5,17-20

God commands we seek Him first:

  • Seeking the eternal before the earthly is not only the godly, but the logical thing to do
  • The command to seek and put God first is a mark of true discipleship
  • God’s command to seek Him and the Kingdom first is not burdensome – He is not only our Creator, but our Redeemer

“When you seek God first in your daily pursuits, He promises to add unto you those things which you were pursuing (as long as they are in His will). Placing Him first in your life should be your daily goal, the main pursuit in the midst of all your other pursuits.” – Chappelle.

P2. The Contradiction of Seeking Gold First

Matthew 6:24-32; Mark 8:35-37; Psalm 10:4-6; Luke 12:13-21; 1 Timothy 6:3-12

Gold first instead of God first contradicts God’s command:

  • It is tantamount to loving the creature more than the Creator
  • It is a misplaced priority
  • It represents an attempt to rob God of what is rightfully His (Psalm 24:1; Haggai 2:8)
  • Pursuing gold and gain at the expense of God, renders the seeker eternally foolish and miserable (Luke 16:19-25)!

“There is a burden of care in getting riches; fear in keeping them; temptation in using them; guilt in abusing them; sorrow in losing them; and a burden of account at last to be given concerning them” –Henry.

P3. Constant Sufficiency for the Godly and Faithful

Matthew 6:25-33; 1 Kings 3:5-11;17:8-16; Luke 18:29,30; 2 Corinthians 9:6-9

God’s sufficiency is for those who seek and put Him first:

  • God knows our needs and promises to provide them if we seek Him first
  • There is more to blessing and riches than material wealth (Revelation 2:8-10)
  • He who feeds and shelters the birds of the air and clothes the grass will take care of you – He is All-Sufficient!

“The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing” (Psalm 34:10).