Sermons (Page 5)

Sermons (Page 5)

2 Timothy 2:15

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Easter Retreat 2023 banner

Saved For A Purpose

Saved for a Purpose Acts 26:12-19 We are saved for a purpose. The call to serve is for every believer: God’s expectation from all believers is to be obedient to this divine purpose; “the heavenly vision” P1. The Price of Our Salvation Ephesians 2:8-9;  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ;1 Peter 1:17-19; Isaiah 53:3-6; Acts 26:22-23;19 God’s grace is absolutely free for all who come to Jesus in faith. Yet the grace of God is the costliest gift we’ll ever receive as…
Easter Retreat 2023 banner

The Narrow Way

THE NARROW WAY Proverbs 14:12; Matthew 7:13,14 The most precious and valuable things in life are not always the most popular and attractive. It takes the most diligent, patient and forward-looking seekers to find them. Life presents us with many choices and decisions on a daily basis. Whereas some choices and decisions have little or no consequences, others have, in fact, eternal consequences. Which gate have you entered, and on which road are you travelling – the broad and easy…
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All Things Are Possible

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Mathew 19:16-26; Mark 9:17-29; Mark14:35-37 Our study today shows the limitation of men and the possibilities of God. His possibilities are broad in scope. It has no boundary, and it is for all things. Possibilities of God bring correction, salvation, healing and assurance. For the young man, it was correction and guidance to inherit eternal life. For the son mentioned in Mark, it was total freedom from the dumb and deaf spirits, and for his father,…
revival service

Maintaining Daily Spiritual Freshness

Hosea 6:1, Leviticus 6:8,9,12,13, Isaiah 1:18 The Lord has since the beginning sought to have a constant, fresh, intimate fellowship with us. Even when men fell, He still came looking for us to be restored unto Him. He wants this to be continual, daily without any disconnection. Unfortunately this has always not been the case for His children. We want to learn how to keep this spiritual freshness daily without a break. 1. Causes of Spiritual Dryness Sin –  Rom…
revival service

Hold Fast TIll I Come

HOLD FAST TILL I COME Revelation 2:25,26; 3:7-13 Beginning the Christian faith is one thing, and firmly holding on in the face of opposition, persecution, affliction and suffering to the end is another. As the life of Christ, the early disciples, and other believers in contemporary times demonstrate; there is a price to pay for standing up to your faith and convictions. It is only those who are willing to pay the price who will win the precious prize. “Blessed…

Winning the Imperishable Crown

WINNING THE IMPERISHABLE CROWN 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Hebrews 12:1-3 The Christian life is a race which demands diligence, determination and discipline. God has rewards for those who run, but they are for those who complete the race, and who do so lawfully. Like athletes, runners and boxers, we must not just aim at competing, but target the prize (the incorruptible crown). We can only attain the crown through constant training, discipline and avoiding distractions. “I press toward the mark for…

Priority of Daily Fellowship with God

PRIORITY OF DAILY FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD Psalms 42:1-2; Proverbs 8:17 The need of the hour is undisturbed fellowship with God. Believers must prioritize this sweet fellowship. Forgiveness and freedom from sins give us the confidence to cleave to God in fellowship steadfastly. It is a daily commitment to be in God’s presence with a willingness to submit to His will. As the hart prioritized the water brooks to satisfy her longing, believers should put all other things aside to have…

Faithfulness to God in All Things

FAITHFULNESS TO GOD IN ALL THINGS 1 Corinthians 1:9; 4:2 God is so faithful to His word and promises, and in all His dealings with us He proves Himself faithful. It is this attribute of God that makes Him the covenant-keeping God. As children of God we ought to resemble our Father by being faithful to Him in all things. It is in fact, a mandatory requirement in our walk with Him: “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a…