Maintaining Daily Spiritual Freshness

Maintaining Daily Spiritual Freshness

Hosea 6:1, Leviticus 6:8,9,12,13, Isaiah 1:18

The Lord has since the beginning sought to have a constant, fresh, intimate fellowship with us. Even when men fell, He still came looking for us to be restored unto Him.

He wants this to be continual, daily without any disconnection. Unfortunately this has always not been the case for His children.

We want to learn how to keep this spiritual freshness daily without a break.

1. Causes of Spiritual Dryness

  • Sin –  Rom 6:23, Rev 3:1
  • Carnality – 1 Cor 3:1-4
  • Lack of fellowship with the Lord – James 4:8
  • Inconsistency in our daily spiritual exercises
  • Neglecting the Spirits promptings.
  • Living an imbalanced life

2. Foundation for Our Spiritual Freshness

Before we can talk of freshness of anything, there should be life

  • Salvation – John 3:3,16; 1 John 1:1-3, Acts 2:37,38
  • Repair the broken altar – 1 Kings 18:30, Hosea 6:1
  • Prayer of faith and acceptance of  His promises – 1 Kings 18:36-38, Jeremiah 20:9

3. Maintaing daily spiritual freshness

Achieving spiritual freshness requires a deliberate effort

  • Abide in Christ –  John 15:1-4, Hosea 14:7
  • Disconnect from wrong association – Psalm 1:1,3
  • Delight in the word. –  Psalm 1:2,3
  • Looking unto Jesus daily –  Heb 12:2
  • Drink of the water of life – John 4:13, 14
  • Consistency in prayer –  1 Thes 5:17, Isaiah 40:31