All Things Are Possible

All Things Are Possible


Mathew 19:16-26; Mark 9:17-29; Mark14:35-37

  • Our study today shows the limitation of men and the possibilities of God. His possibilities are broad in scope. It has no boundary, and it is for all things.
  • Possibilities of God bring correction, salvation, healing and assurance. For the young man, it was correction and guidance to inherit eternal life.
  • For the son mentioned in Mark, it was total freedom from the dumb and deaf spirits, and for his father, it was complete emancipation from unbelief.
  • To crown it, Jesus Himself gave assurance of God’s possibilities “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee”.
  • The Lord discussed the unpreparedness of the young man for eternity and told him what he could do better than what he had done.
  • The Lord told the disciples why they were unable to heal the son with the dumb and deaf spirit and gave them the solution of fasting and prayer.
  • There may be impossibilities with men in the ministry, family, health, finance, and prospect, but all things are possible to our great God.

P1. Sincere and Anxious Inquirer after Eternal Life

Mathew 19:16; Mark 10:17-21; Luke 18:18-22; Acts 16:30-33; Luke 10:25-29; Luke 3:12-14

  • The young man was sincere and anxious to know if he was fully prepared for eternal life.
  • He ran and humbled himself before Saviour, kneeling to know if he was on the right track or derailed.
  • The young man got a solution from the Saviour but was not ready to trade his riches for the revival of his soul.
  • The prison keeper also asks an important question from Paul and Silas; unlike the young ruler, he and his household were saved.
  • People of different professions (lawyers, publicans and soldiers) also asked about eternal life.
  • Our today’s prayer should be like the prayer Elihu proposed to Job: “That which I see not teach thou me: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more.” (Job 34:32 ).

P2. Saviour Sincere Announcement of Requirement for Eternal Life

Luke 18:20-22,27; Mathew 19:18-19,20-21; Mathew 5:1-3,8; 1 John 2:24-25

  • All-knowing Saviour understands our frailty. He is sensitive to our body language and unspoken words. He reads beyond the response of the young man concerning his question.
  • Saviour is not a partial God. He agreed with the young man on his observance of God’s commandment from his youth but also loved him and told him what he lacked.
  • Saviour diagnosed the young man’s covetousness and unwillingness to give up the uncertain riches.
  • Saviour used this opportunity to give a balanced message on riches. He used the analogy of a camel going through a needle to emphasise the difficulties of having eternal life with riches.
  • Saviour underscored purity of heart without dross as a condition of having eternal life.
  • Saviour seeks those with a broken spirit and a contrite heart (Psalm 51:16-17; Isaiah 66:2).

P3. Sorrow of Alternating Riches for Eternal Life

Mathew 19:20-22; Proverbs 11:28; Revelation 18:17-19; Mathew 13:51 

  • Finding a lasting solution to a long-hanging problem is supposed to be a thing of joy, but for the young man, his divine solution ends in sorrow because he refuses to alternate his riches for eternal life. 
  • His response to the word of God is like the response of the Jews in Egypt when Jeremiah delivered God’s message of judgement to them (Jeremiah 44:15-16).
  • The young man is rich, but not poor in the spirit. He had a lot of treasure on earth but zero in heaven.
  • Many people come to Jesus and asked different questions, but only a few take heed and seek caution.
  • Saviour said you are born again, attending church services, preaching the gospel, but you still lack something. It would be best if you discovered your lack from the Saviour today.
  • For the young man, it is uncertain riches. What is yours?

We hear much about revival these days, but the heart of revival is the Lordship of Christ. A mere emotional upheaval, a spurt of religious excitement, is not revival. When Christians become convicted of rebellion against the rule of Christ in their lives, confess their sins, renounce self, take the cross and let Jesus have the first and last word in everything, that is revival, by whatever name you call it – unknown.

Let’s ask ourselves this question: “Am I concerned about the sacrifices I may be called upon to make in serving Christ?” Two young men were talking about this very thing One of them said, “I cannot tell you all that the Lord Jesus is to me, or what He has done for me I do wish you would enlist in His army.” “I’m thinking about it,” answered the other young man, “but it means giving up several things-in fact, I am counting the cost.” A Christian officer, just passing, heard the last remark, and laying his hand on the shoulder of the young soldier said, “Young man, you talk of counting the cost of following Christ, but have you ever counted the cost of not following Him?“ unknown.