Local Sermons by Pastor James Anyan (Page 3)
National Overseer, Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Finland
Hold Fast TIll I Come
HOLD FAST TILL I COME Revelation 2:25,26; 3:7-13 Beginning the Christian faith is one thing, and firmly holding on in the face of opposition, persecution, affliction and suffering to the end is another. As the life of Christ, the early disciples, and other believers in contemporary times demonstrate; there is a price to pay for standing up to your faith and convictions. It is only those who are willing to pay the price who will win the precious prize. “Blessed…
Winning the Imperishable Crown
WINNING THE IMPERISHABLE CROWN 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Hebrews 12:1-3 The Christian life is a race which demands diligence, determination and discipline. God has rewards for those who run, but they are for those who complete the race, and who do so lawfully. Like athletes, runners and boxers, we must not just aim at competing, but target the prize (the incorruptible crown). We can only attain the crown through constant training, discipline and avoiding distractions. “I press toward the mark for…
The Power of Love and Submission in The Family
Marriage is the first and one of God’s greatest gift to the entire human race.
Faithfulness to God in All Things
FAITHFULNESS TO GOD IN ALL THINGS 1 Corinthians 1:9; 4:2 God is so faithful to His word and promises, and in all His dealings with us He proves Himself faithful. It is this attribute of God that makes Him the covenant-keeping God. As children of God we ought to resemble our Father by being faithful to Him in all things. It is in fact, a mandatory requirement in our walk with Him: “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a…