The Unfailing Power of the Weapon of Prayer

The Unfailing Power of the Weapon of Prayer

Mark 11:24; John 16:23-24; 1 John 5:14; Daniel 10:12-13

Unfailing prayer is a steadfast, unwavering, and consistent prayer of faith.   

  • It is a prayer weapon that brings desired outcomes, regardless of obstacles or challenges.   
  • Believers that engage in unfailing prayer maintain a persistent and resolute attitude, trusting God to answer their prayers by His divine will.
  • Believers trust the efficacy of unfailing prayer to seek guidance, solace, and divine intervention proactively and reactively.

P1. Potent Prayers For Persistent Problems

Luke 18:1-7; 1 Kings 18:41-46; James 5:13-16; Acts 12:1-3,5; 2 Kings 20:1-6

Potent prayer is like the rod of Moses in Egypt and in the wilderness, it works wonders

  • It is like the goad of Shamgar and the spear of Adino that scattered and defeated the enemies (Judges 3:31; 2 Samuel 23:8).
  • Potent prayer can crush any persistent problem, stop the mouths of lions and quench the violence of fire.
  • Potent prayer can break the conspiracy of the enemies and scatter their unholy alliance.

P2. Persistent Pursuit of Unfailing Prayer

Luke 11:1-4; 1 Timothy 2:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Acts 3:1;  Acts 16:16; 1:14; 4:24-26

Knowing the power of unfailing prayer to win life’s battle is not enough; a serious-minded believer needs to persistently pursue this fresh experience.

  • Prayer is a gift God gave to His children, and He wants us to maximize this weapon to fight the visible and invisible battles of life.  
  • For some believers, prayer is hard, but pretense is easy.
  • It is not enough to talk about prayer, but God wants us to pray unfailingly.

P3. Profound Power of Prevailing Prayer

Isaiah 41:21; 1 John 5:14; Romans 8:26; Daniel 6:10-13; Genesis 32:24; 2 Kings 19:15-20

Jesus Christ has set the example for us to follow.

  • He prayed often, much and prevailed over all the enemies of the cross.
  • He prayed in sorrow, in joy, alone, and with His disciples and prevailed over death and grave. 
  • There is no excessive prayer, but limited prayer is problematic. 

“Prayer is the acid test of the inner man’s strength. A strong spirit is capable of praying much and praying with all perseverance until the answer comes. A weak one grows weary and fainthearted in the maintenance of praying.” — Watchman Nee.