Saved For A Purpose

Saved For A Purpose

Saved for a Purpose

Acts 26:12-19

We are saved for a purpose. The call to serve is for every believer:

  • Whose will has been broken and he/she now calls Jesus, Lord. Acts 26:14-15
  • Who has a testimony and an encounter which he/she now needs to witness to others. Acts 26:16
  • Who has been rescued/delivered from sin, its danger, and the corrupt system of the world. Acts 26:17

God’s expectation from all believers is to be obedient to this divine purpose; “the heavenly vision”

P1. The Price of Our Salvation

Ephesians 2:8-9;  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ;1 Peter 1:17-19; Isaiah 53:3-6; Acts 26:22-23;19

God’s grace is absolutely free for all who come to Jesus in faith. Yet the grace of God is the costliest gift we’ll ever receive as it cost God’s Son His life.

Believers must respond to this costliest gift with gratitude by making our lives count.

P2. The Purpose of Salvation

Matthew 4:18-20;  1 Peter 2:9;  Acts 26:14-23; 1 Peter 4:1-4

As former sinners who have been rescued and have become product of grace, we are spared for a reason: to make a difference with our lives. He made us for a purpose and He redeemed us for a purpose, too. He wants us to fulfill that purpose.

You are saved to become:

  • A witness
  • A minister
  • A disciple
  • A spiritual ophthalmologist
  • A light
  • A salt
  • A reformer
  • A preacher
  • A servant

P3. Proper Positioning for Service

Acts 26:16-17; Matthew 5:13-15; Isaiah 6:8; 2 Timothy 2:19-26

“But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose…”. To fulfil the purpose God has called us into, we must position ourselves properly.

We must:

  • Rise and stand upon our feet and drop indolence and idleness
  • Obey His command; “…occupy till I come”. Luke 19:13
  • Retain your savour as a salt
  • Uncover the light and let it shine
  • Make ourselves available