Psalms 85:6; Habbakuk 3:2; Ezekiel 37:1-3
“Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?”
An important question from a concerned, desperate Israelite, who knows and has heard how the Lord did great and mighty works from the good old days. However, things are no more the same.
Wilt thou not revive us again?
Will thou not restore us again?
Wilt thou not renew us again?
We ask the same question today.
1.The Pressing Need for Revival
- Lukewarmness – Rev 3:5
- Loss of first love – Rev 2:4,5
- Prayerlessness – James 4:2
- No love for God’s word
- Worldly desire – 1 John 2:15
- Hardness of heart – Matt 13:15
- Lack of prompt obedience – John 14:15
- No passion for souls
- Spiritual blindness – Isaiah 42:19-23
- Lack of righteousness
- Rampant sin and less or no conversion – James 4:4
- Lack of God’s presence
- Oppression and Satanic afflictions – Ecc 4:1
2. The Promised Outpouring of Revival
- Forgiveness and healing – 2 Chronicles 7:14
- Restoration – Joel 2:28
- Refreshing – Isaiah 44:3
- Abundant blessings – Psalm 81:10,13
- Revival – Hosea 6:1-3
3. The Price for Revival
Ezekiel 22:30; 37:1
God has always been in need of a man he can use to fulfil His divine plan and will on earth.
Men like Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Nehemiah, Ezra, Esther, John Wesley…
- Genuine Repentance, brokenness and restitution – 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 51:17
- Total Consecration to God – Isaiah 52:11
- Genuine hunger and thirst for God – Psalm 42:1, Isaiah 44:3; Psalm 63:1,2
- Intense, importunate prayer with fastings – Acts 13:2, Psalm 81:10, Psalm 141: 7-9, Luke 18:1
- Total obedience to God and love for His word of truth – Prov 23:23