All Out for Souls

All Out for Souls


1 Peter 3:20; Mathew 28:18-20

  • All souls belong to God, and this salient was established in Ezekiel 18:4 “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.”
  • All out for souls means all the children of God, without exception, should run after souls to save them (no hoof should be left behind).
  • Also, it indicates the commitment of the children of God to preach without discrimination (no tribal segregation and status preference).
  • Believers that are out for souls are prompt in their obedience to God’s commandment to win souls, but the reluctant and procrastinating believers are not out for souls.
  • Challenges for believers today are misplaced priorities (John 21:3); procrastination – counting seasons (John 4:35); discouragement (Acts 23:11); lack of boldness (Psalm 4:2; Proverbs 28:1); false assurance of having what we are yet to get (Acts 19:13-17); ignorant (Acts 19:1-12). We need to save, win, and gain more souls for Christ.


Mark 8:36-38

  • We shall be able to help souls if we see them the way God sees them. God characterises men’s souls as: “Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:” (2 Peter 2:14).
  • We need to be all out for souls because the time of life cannot be played back (Genesis 17:21; 18:10); Satan’s time is short and our time is short (Revelation 12:12; 1 Corinthians 7:29; Psalms 89:47a); we shall not be here forever (Psalm 90:10); souls are dying (Isaiah 5:14); it is a path of obedience (Mathew 28:18-20); it is a path of wearing a crown (2 Timothy 4:8); it is a King business that requires haste (1 Samuel 21:8); it brings Joy and fulfilment (Acts 5:40-42); it creates joy in heaven (Luke 15:10); it helps to set the captive free (Ecclesiastes 4:1); sheep have gone astray – they need urgent help (1 Peter 2:25).


Judged 8:4; Galatians 6:9; Joshua 13:1-12

  • We have the testimonies of those that have worked tirelessly for souls in the past.
  • Apostle Paul’s three missionary journeys challenge our reluctance today.
  • He preaches before the eminent and affluent; before controversial religious leaders; in  prison; in danger; to the Jews and the Gentiles.
  • In his first missionary journey, he visited Cyprus, Pamphylia, Phrygia, Lycaonia and  returned to Antioch – Acts 13:1-5; 14:1-8.
  • In his Second missionary journey, he went through Lycaonia, Phrygia, Galatia, Macedonia, Achaia and returned to Jerusalem – Acts 16:3-4,7,10,16,17.
  • In his third missionary journey, he preached in Phrygia and Galatia, Asia – Ephesus, Macedonia and Greece, Asia – Troas, and returned to Jerusalem – Acts 18:23; 19:19; 20:35; 21:4-9.
  • Likewise, Philip preached to the Ethiopian Eunuch and to those in Satanic bondage and deceiver in Samaria. He also transferred the preaching anointing to his daughters. His daughters also prophesied and preached.
  • Peter preached to Cornelius in Acts 10 as he was led by the Lord. He never relied on his past successes.


Mark 1:45; Acts 4:33; Acts 5:18-20,28,40-42; Acts 4:4,8,13,29,31; Acts 27:22, 25, 41-44

  • The Lord desires that believers progress in preaching and winning souls.  
  • Through the Apostles, about 3000 souls in Acts 2:41 were won, but in Acts 4, about 5000 were saved, that account for a 67% increase.
  • As God used Peter and other Apostles, He can use us.
  • To make an impact in our own time, we need to pray, fast, baptised with the Holy Ghost, with fire, and filled with the Holy Ghost.
  • Like Simeon, Holy Ghost must be upon us, and we must have Holy Ghost revelation (Luke 2:25-26).
  • To move to the higher level in our evangelistic outreaches, we need to pray for the Holy Ghost to descend upon us so that we can have Holy Ghost anointing to preach the gospel.
  • Paul and Silas preached to Jailor (Acts 16:27-34). He jailed people but was ignorant that he was caged and imprisoned by sin.
  • These Bible characters never give up despite the confrontation, opposition and rejection. What a great lesson for us today.

1. I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,

Who died upon the cruel tree?

To think of His great sacrifice at Calv’ry!

I know my Lord expects the best from me.

2. The hours that I have wasted are so many,

The hours I’ve spent for Christ so few;

Because of all my lack of love for Jesus,

I wonder if His heart is breaking too.

3. I wonder, have I cared enough for others,

Or have I let them die alone?

I might have helped a wand’rer to the Saviour,

The seed of precious Life I might have sown.

4. No longer will I stay within the valley–

I’ll climb to mountain heights above;

The world is dying now for want of someone.

How many are the lost that I have lifted?

How many are the chained I’ve helped to free?

I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,

When He has done so much for me?